Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How would you define pop culture?

pop (pop) -
1. to burst suddenly through the application of pressure or by piercing

2. a derivative term of the words popular, popularity, or population

culture (kul'chər) -

1. the growth and/or development of a bacteria or organism

2. the properties, traditions, philosophies, sensibilities, arts and entertainment of a people or society

pop culture (pop kul'chər) -

1. the collective components of culture that are considered to be popular or of the majority consensus

2. a penetrative bacteria of the mind that once has infected a person causes the immediate loss of independent thought and a general assimilation with the conformist masses


  1. I'll go with door number two. Seen the new Twilight yet? OMG!!!

  2. "Eclipse" is a rather apt title considering that anyone involved with the film will have their careers eclipsed by the general badness that comes from Stephenie Meyer. Yes, I do believe in Karma and the Universe is a cruel place, but sometimes people deserve what they get. LOL! I can't wait to see how the actors will ever live down the fact that they helped to bring about the decline of the entire vampire genre. Fuck 'em all!

  3. Interesting definition and unique perspective of a cultural phenomena.

  4. Should I define nihilistic-cynicism next? ; )
